Almost every individual desires to own a car. People spend a lot of their savings in buying the vehicle of their dream. When you finally have the car, the last thing you would want is for it to meet with an accident. Such misfortunes take place without a warning and can put you under immense financial burden. Therefore, you must take precautionary measures to ensure that you are driving legally and safely. For this to happen, firstly you need to buy car insurance online. And to protect yourself from any kind of penalties, you must carry the essential documents with you while driving on Indian roads. Here are a few documents that must always be with you:
- Driving license
It is mandatory as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 for you to carry a valid driving license every time you drive on Indian roads. If you’re caught without it, your claim might get rejected on this ground. Therefore, once you reach the age of 18, you can apply for a driving license for a car in India by visiting the nearest RTO.
- Car insurance policy
Similar to driving license, it is also mandatory to have at least a third party car insurance policy as per the law. Another type of plan available is the comprehensive insurance policy, which provides an extensive cover. A third-party liability policy only provides coverage for damages caused to the third-party property or injuries caused to a third person. Whereas, a comprehensive policy offers cover in case any damage is caused to your vehicle, along with third-party liability. In case your car gets stolen, that will also be covered under a comprehensive plan. To enhance your existing coverage, you can also opt for add-ons.
- Registration certificate
This document is important because it states that your vehicle has been registered with the Indian Government. You are not allowed to drive your car on Indian roads if you do not have a valid RC. If you still do so, a fine will be charged, or it may even lead to imprisonment.
- Pollution Under Control Certificate
This certificate is mandatory for every vehicle plying on Indian roads. The certificate is proof that your vehicle has passed the required emission test, and states that your car is safe to drive on roads. If you drive without a valid PUC certificate, you will be penalized and your claim will face rejection.
Now that you know how important it is to carry the above-mentioned documents when you’re going out on a drive with either your family or alone, do not forget to do so. In case, you don’t have any of the mentioned documents, you will fall on the wrong side of the law and will have to pay penalties.
Also, remember that motor insurance renewal is essential to keep your policy active. The insurance companies even send reminders in the form of a text of an email to get your policy renewed before the expiry date. In case you still miss it, you receive a grace period of about 30 days, as a second chance to renew your policy. This is your last chance and so make the most of it, or you will lose the accumulated No Claim Bonus. The best way to not forget the renewal date is by setting a reminder for yourself. Remain on the right side of the law and enjoy the benefits of your car insurance policy.